Thursday, June 25, 2009


Yes, it now happened to us, too. the neighborhood skunk entered our house and enjoyed a midnight snack while diego looked on. roshkie did not even bother to check him out, suggesting that they already knew each other. chris had found some strange poop next to the washer/dryer the other day but was not sure where it had come from, now we know. after the skunk had left around 1 am he decided to come back for a second helping, though this time he had trouble leaving since i had one-way locked the kitty door, though not the way i had intended. the door was open for everyone and their brother to come in but not to leave, duh! even Julian woke up and Gma and Chris were frightened as they expected the skunk to get scared and spray in the house. luckily, this did not happen and we were able to open to backdoor so he could get out. from now on the kitty door remains locked (both ways!) during night time hours!

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