Monday, October 22, 2007

Helpers at Qualcomm Stadium

The fires in San Diego are getting out of control. at least that's what we are hearing on radio and TV. the witch creek fire ('das Hexenbachfeuer') burned through many thousand of acres north of Rancho Bernardo, destroying many homes along its way. 300,000 people have been evacuated since last night from those areas, including Rancho Bernardo and Poway. no work, school, or kindergarten for any one of us today or tomorrow. M had to evacuate her home in Rancho Penasquitos and we took her in early this morning. late afternoon we gathered several cans of food, a blanket and a towel, and J picked out two of his stuffed animals to donate to the children that will be spending the night at Qualcomm stadium. we then drove down and dropped off our things, together with many other San Diegans who dropped of mountains of food, water and bedding. we all hope this will end soon.

1 comment:

Steph said...

So sweet of JT to share his animals. I'm sure it's hard when there's not much that can be done to help.